Compression treatments

Compression treatments

Lose weight naturally and tackle cellulite

Our compression treatments, also known as wrap treatments or body wraps.

This wrap treatment literally fries the fat cells away. With this exclusive and patented treatment, the body temperature in the problem area is reduced by one or two degrees. That means the body automatically heats up this area and uses the local fat as fuel, hence this body wrap helps you lose volume and weight.

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The fat has no chance. The SLTB treatment is used to loosen and detach accumulated fat cells. The heat enables the minerals in the wrap to penetrate the tissue through the pores and thus to reach the cells. Blood circulation is also stimulated by the heat from this wrap.

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Natural detoxing and cleansing with algae extract. Thanks to the algae in the CCT treatment, the cells are cleansed, detoxed and the treated zones tightened up. Water deposits are also reduced and small accumulations of fat can be broken down thanks to the increased blood circulation.

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  • TRS (skin and tissue repair)

The cellulite blaster. The TRS wrap treatment is another form of cooling therapy. It enables us to calm inflammation in the connective tissue while smoothing the tissue thanks to the vitamins and minerals it contains. The treatment also has a tightening effect on the affected skin and tissue areas.

  • TSS (nourishment, generation and regeneration of skin)

The ultimate anti-ageing cure for your skin. Thanks to the vitamin C in this treatment, the skin is nourished, new cells generated, and stressed areas of the skin are repaired and regenerated.

  • TMG (fat cell shrinkage)

Body wrap to tackle the infamous yo-yo effect: Thanks to the ingredients in this treatment, the walls of the fat cells are adjusted to the now smaller volume and tightened up at the same time. This means new fat cannot be deposited in these cells immediately afterwards.

Do you have any questions about our offerings and methods?
Contact us using the form
or by phone 044 430 11 11
The team at slim & more in Zurich will be happy to help you.
Slim and More
Special offer

Lose and burn fat!

CHF 75.– instead of CHF 150.– *

(for treatment)

*Offer valid until 31th of January 2025 for fat dissolving (SLTB), fat mobilization treatments (FMS) or Detox (CCT)