Compression treatments

Compression treatments

CCT Detox

Natural detoxing and cleansing with algae extract. Thanks to the algae in the CCT treatment, the cells are cleansed, detoxed and the treated zones tightened up. Water deposits are also reduced and small accumulations of fat can be broken down thanks to the increased blood circulation.

Do you have any questions about our offerings and methods?
Contact us using the form
or by phone 044 430 11 11
The team at slim & more in Zurich will be happy to help you.
Slim and More
Special offer

Lose and burn fat!

CHF 75.– instead of CHF 150.– *

(for treatment)

*Offer valid until 31th of January 2025 for fat dissolving (SLTB), fat mobilization treatments (FMS) or Detox (CCT)