Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
We will be happy to answer all your questions, but you may find the answers you are looking for in the following.
What kind of health problems would make the slim & more methods unsuitable?
If you have only one kidney, take cortisone medication, or have had a heart attack in the past, we cannot treat you because of the health risks that may arise in your case. For clients suffering from varicose veins, cold wraps are ideal (soothing effect, “legs feel light”).
For patients at risk of thrombosis, “cold” treatments are the only suitable option.
Diabetics are in safe hands here. Just be sure to eat enough before the treatment and to check your blood sugar level.
If you have increased blood lipid levels, we can support you in shifting to a balanced diet. You will then be able to undergo all the slim & more treatments without limitations.
Should I cancel my appointments if I have a cold?
Yes, most definitely! The thermal treatments warm up the body, which equates to additional stress in case of colds or fever.
Can I attend a treatment if I have swollen legs?
Yes. The “cold treatments” are soothing for swollen legs and feet (particularly in the summer).
Can I undergo treatment during pregnancy and while I am breastfeeding?
All treatments can be continued until the third month of pregnancy. After the birth, the treatment programmes can be started again immediately. If you are breastfeeding, you should refrain from mechanical treatments and camphor wraps. Cooling wraps during the weaning phase can help to keep breasts pert.
Will skin be loose in areas where I have lost fat as a result of the treatments?
No, quite the contrary: The treatments tighten skin at the same time as breaking down fat. Lots of clients come to slim & more after they have had liposuction to tighten up the tissue in the areas where fat has been removed.
Do I have to undress for the treatments?
Depending on your problem areas, you will undress for the treatment so that your clothes don’t get wet, for example for wrap treatments around your hips and upper thighs. You will always be covered, however, or we will provide you with a robe. It is important to us that you feel at ease throughout the treatment.
How often should I attend treatments?
If you just want to lose a few kilos or make minor improvements, then two treatments a week is ideal. For those with bigger weight problems, we recommend three or four appointments a week to ensure a fast and successful result.
What do I need to pay attention to after the treatments?
After the treatments, you should make sure you don’t heat up your body. It’s better to book your appointment at the solarium or sauna for the following day and only shower again then. After applying creams, be sure to wash your hands carefully. The slim & more products contain active ingredients in concentrated form, which are tailored to the relevant area of the body.
Should I exercise to support the treatment?
You can, but you don’t have to. Gentle exercise (Nordic walking, swimming) can help your body to get rid of toxins.
Our opening hours
Monday – Thursday 9:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Saturday/Sunday: Closed
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