


Die Wechseljahre… Obwohl jede Frau diese Zeit individuell und anders erlebt, nehmen viele während dieser Lebensphase zu. Die Umstellung der Hormone trägt oftmals unweigerlich zu einer Gewichtszunahme in den Wechseljahren bei.

FMS fat mobilization


Compression treatments Compression treatments FMS fat mobilisation This wrap treatment literally fries the fat cells away. With this exclusive and patented treatment, the body temperature in the problem area is reduced by one or two degrees. That means the body automatically heats up this area and uses the local fat as fuel, hence this body wrap helps you lose volume and weight.

About us

The slimming system used by slim & more was developed in Switzerland in 1987 and has been proven to be “THE method” for weight loss reduction for thousands of happy customers worldwide. Men and women of any age and with any body type have achieved their feel-good weight this way – without having to feel hungry or work out and, most importantly, without medication, injections or any of the risks that cosmetic surgery poses. We will be happy to guide you with comprehensive dietary advice.

Slim and More GmbH
Rämistrasse 5
8001 Zürich

Phone: 044 430 11 11
e-mail: info@slim.ch

Opening hours

  • Monday – Thursday, 9:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m


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